Insider sheds light on why the Titans actually fired Mike Vrabel As Titans Now Name Replacement

Amy Adams-Strunk’s statement confirms rift between Mike Vrabel and Ran Carthon

There has been so much smoke out there about a negative relationship between Mike Vrabel and Ran Carthon. The statement that Tennessee Titans Controlling Owner Amy Adams Strunk put out after the firing confirms it. Pay great attention to the text in bold:

“Earlier today, I spoke with Mike Vrabel and told him about my decision to make a change at head coach. As I told Coach Vrabel, this decision was as difficult as any I’ve made as Controlling Owner. I appreciate Mike’s efforts to the Tennessee Titans both on and off the field. Anyone who has ever met him knows how passionate and sincere he is, and he’s been a big supporter of the Nashville community. We wish Mike, Jen, and the Vrabel family nothing but the best in the future.

As the NFL continues to develop and grow, I believe the teams most positioned for sustainable success will be those who empower an integrated and collaborative team across all football departments. Last year, we initiated a transformation in our approach to football leadership and made many adjustments to our people to accomplish that goal. As I began to examine the state of our team, I arrived at the conclusion that the team would also benefit from the fresh attitude and viewpoint of a new coaching staff.


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I believe the Tennessee Titans can and will be a premier National Football League franchise. It’s what our fans deserve, and there will be hard decisions along the road. My decision today is not simply a reflection of my displeasure in our past two seasons, but also my realization that further changes are necessary to completely fulfill our objective.

I will never shy away from saying that I have unashamedly high expectations for the football team and every part of the Titans organization. Our objective is not only to create more victories than defeats, it is to frequently compete for championships. While this season was disheartening, I see early signs of growth taking shape. Last year we recruited a bright young quarterback and numerous other talented players to our lineup. With a coaching search, enviable cap flexibility, and top-10 draft position, this offseason is as critical as any in our history. I’m enthusiastic for the weeks and months ahead. We will meet the moment.”

In the end, it was the inability for Vrabel and Carthon to work that ended his stint with the Titans. Time will tell if this is the right choice or not. Vrabel is a good coach. Is he an excellent coach? I don’t know what proof there is from his time here to prove that.

What will ultimately determine if this was the right move or not will be whether or not the next coach appointed is successful.

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